Car parts supplier Bridgestone is testing advances in tyres that never puncture, potentially smoothing the path for more self-driving vehicles.
The Japanese company, which vies with France’s Michelin to be the world’s largest tyre supplier, has developed an air-free version it says can support a 1-tonne vehicle driving at 60km an hour, a big advance over the capabilities of solid tyres a decade ago.
New computer-enabled structures and materials have led to significant innovations to improve their performance at higher speeds and weights, making them contenders to replace pneumatic tyres just as driverless vehicles are putting a premium on safety and no stoppages.
But pneumatic tyres’ huge performance and cost advantages make them extremely tough to dislodge.
The new tyres are being trialled on shuttle buses and tourist vehicles, as Japan seeks to bring autonomous driving to rural communities to address shortages of drivers and mechanics. The innovation is also seen as a potential differentiator amid rising Chinese and Indian competition.
“When we eventually get to autonomous driving, there’ll be big value in avoiding vehicles stopping deep in the mountains without a driver because of a burst tyre,” said Masaki Ota, manager of Bridgestone’s new mobility business development.
普利司通新移动业务开发经理Masaki Ota表示:“当我们最终实现自动驾驶时,避免车辆因爆胎而在没有司机的情况下停在深山中将具有巨大价值。”
Computer simulations have helped to create tyres with a spoke structure encased in a rubber tread, with the spokes able to bounce and bend at higher speeds and weights without becoming a drag on fuel consumption, a smooth ride and safety compared with previous airless tyres.
The tyres could mean lower maintenance costs and reduced liability risk from autonomous driving accidents caused by punctures.
But experts fear the design, with production costs several times that of pumped tyres, could struggle to carve out a niche. Bridgestone has also inverted the usual logic of innovation, targeting low-performance vehicles for the mass market first, instead of testing the products in high-performance racing.
Replacing all pneumatic tyres with airless ones is “a utopia that will cost too much”, said Florent Menegaux, chief executive of Michelin. The company has worked on airless tyres for 20 years and had already put its own version, called Tweel, on smaller vehicles such as lawnmowers in the US.
米其林首席执行官弗洛朗•梅内戈(Florent Menegaux)表示,用无气轮胎替换所有充气轮胎是“一个代价过高的乌托邦”。该公司研究无气轮胎已有20年,并已在美国将其名为Tweel的无气轮胎应用于割草机等小型车辆。
“To go from a lawnmower to a car, to drive at 50km an hour, poses other problems,” he said. They include a whirring sound, the risk of stones flying out of the spokes and maintaining performance at high speeds and weights over time, said analysts.
Michelin has run trials of its puncture-proof, airless Uptis tyres on small vans for delivery groups DHL and La Poste, but the rubber and aluminium wheels remain in a prototype stage.
米其林已在DHL和法国邮政(La Poste)的小型货车上试用了其防刺穿的实心轮胎Uptis,但橡胶和铝制车轮仍处于原型阶段。
Menegaux said Michelin was “not ready from an industrial point of view” to take it further, despite the logistics groups being “very happy”.
Bridgestone hopes to gauge customer willingness to pay for air-free tyres through demonstrations, such as a six-seater self-driving car in a mountainous area of the city of Higashiomi in which more than half the 309 residents are elderly.
“We honestly haven’t yet reached a clear vision of how much this business will make and what sort of market it will be,” said Ota. “But we’re not waiting to find out.”
“老实说,我们对这项业务能赚多少钱以及会有什么样的市场没有清晰的认识。”Masaki Ota说,“但我们不会坐以待毙。”
The incentive for the major incumbent tyremakers is compelling. Their business model is under threat from cheaper Chinese and Indian competition as tyres have become commoditised, and they are losing about 5 per cent per year of their total volume, according to Tire Industry Research, a specialist consultancy.
对主要现有轮胎制造商来说,这样做的动机是很强烈的。专业咨询公司Tire Industry Research表示,随着轮胎商品化,他们的商业模式正受到中国和印度更便宜竞争的威胁,每年的总销量下降约5%。
Instead, tyre suppliers want to expand in services. Customers would return regularly to retread air-free tyres — expected to last 10 years versus three to five for pneumatic tyres.
“I don’t know yet if they’re going to work in terms of delivering all the technical requirements of lifespan, fuel economy and price that the world needs,” said David Shaw, chief executive of Tire Industry Research.
“我还不知道它们是否能在寿命、燃油经济性和价格等技术要求方面满足世界的需求,”Tire Industry Research的首席执行官大卫•肖(David Shaw)说。
But success was more likely than not, he added, because “pneumatic tyres are a pain”.